Randy's Flowers
Randy's Flowers
211 West Evans Street
Culpeper, Virginia

800-625-4440 or 540-825-4440

Why order from Randy's Flowers?
Randy's Flowers has served Culpeper and surrounding counties for over 25 years. Now in our newly designed and constructed building, we offer the largest cut flowers, foliage and silk inventory of the area. Our business is based on teamwork and the desire to be the leading floral service provider for the Culpeper, Madison, Rappahannock and Orange counties. We strive to offer the best in customer service, quality product and the best shopping enviornment possible. We stand behind our work and product; committed to quality exceeding customer expectations.

What are your hours of operation?
We are open Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm and on Saturday from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. We are closed on Sunday. Our phones are answered 24 hours a day. If you call during non-business hours you may leave a on our voice mail system. Your voice mail to us will be reviewed the next business day between 9:00 am and 10:00 am. Please always leave a phone number where we can reach you during this time.

Where is your store located?
Visit our store at 211 West Evans Street "Sperryville Pike" in Culpeper. Need directions? Click here for a handy printable map!
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